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P.O. Box 18951
Denver, CO 80218

Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline: 303-322-7273; Línea de Crisis Sobre La Violencia Sexual: 303-329-0031

For Myself

Groups and Workshop Descriptions

We are not taking new enrollments for the Begins with Connection and Begins with Hope at this time. Please call the Resource Line for more information on group openings or additional referrals for groups in the community

Begins with Connection:  A skills group for adult LGBTQIA+ survivors of sexual assault 

This is a 9-week closed group for LGBTQIA+ identified survivors of sexual assault (ages 18 and up), who are in the beginning stages of their healing. This therapist led, module-based group covers eight skills for coping, emotion regulation and self-care, and provides psycho-education on the effects of trauma. 

Begins with Hope:  A skills group for adult survivors of sexual assault

This is a 6-week ongoing group for female-identified survivors of sexual assault (ages 18 and up), who are in the beginning stages of their healing. This therapist led, module based group covers six skills for coping, emotion regulation and self-care, and provides psycho-education on the effects of trauma. 

Standing Strong: A group for teen survivors of sexual violence - Currently adding to our interest list for Summer 

This is a 7-week closed group for teen survivors. In this group, you will meet other teens who have survived similar experiences, learn new skills to cope with your past, and receive support throughout your healing process. 

Breaking the SilenceUpdating description

For secondary survivors:

Someone I Love: A workshop for family and friends of sexual assault survivors (offered in English and in Spanish) 

This is a 3-hour workshop is designed for partners, family and friends (ages 16 and up) of sexual assault survivors. This therapist led, curriculum-based workshop focuses on understanding trauma, helping a loved one and answering the question: “What About Me?” (Note: this workshop is not intended for survivors or service providers.) CLICK HERE for more information.

Periodically, we offer other groups. Check back for updates. 

To inquire about these groups, call our resource line at 303-329-9922 ext. 302 (para español, 303-329-9922 ext. 338) or email

The Blue Bench
P.O. Box 18951
Denver, CO 80218